The Modern Writer
Welcome fellow writer to my Notion template! Let me introduce you to the ultimate writer's workspace with a bit of backstory.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... there was a huge lack of specialized tools for writers. Having tried everything, from classics like InDesign to more creative products like Scrivener, I always felt like something was missing. Yes, I could design margins, pagination and work with thousands of different fonts, but I ended up asking myself - What is the most important part in the process of writing a book? -
You guessed right, it's Writing The Book.
That's how I came out with this template. I needed a space where I could collect and refine all concepts and ideas flowing through my mind without switching between tons of mindmapping and writing programs. Even better, a space where I could access everything I needed, even sub-plots and progress tracking, without ever leaving my writing canvas.
This is what I call The Modern Writer experience: a seamless flow of Creativity, Ideas and Typing. If that's what you're looking for, this is for you!
Want to know what's inside? 🤔 Check out this preview page showcasing all features in detail!
-> The Modern Writer Showcase